Effortlessly make your website's images light, modern, and fast.

...over 1,855,914 requests in the last week alone!
PicPerf is a drop-in service for making your website's images light, modern, and fast. Just prefix your image URLs or using an official integration (WordPress, Statamic, & more) to start reaping the benefits.
  • Convert images to lightweight formats like WebP and AVIF on the fly.
  • Only serve modern formats if your visitor's browser supports them.
  • Improve your site's Core Web Vitals.
  • Cache the bananas out of your images from the browser up to a world-class CDN.
  • Get rid of the "serve images in next-gen formats" warning from PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse.
  • Boost SEO crawability with an automatically generated image sitemap.
  • Automatically resize images to prevent accidentally serving something a million pixels wide.

Trusted by:

  • PicPerf is one of the best services I've used. You just add a prefix to your asset URLs, and then it just works. Since switching over to PicPerf, I haven't had to think about image optimization.

    Eric Barnes / Laravel News

  • When building websites, I've spent countless hours optimizing images manually and they're still not as optimized as they could be. PicPerf optimizes the images for me and automatically uses the best format for the user. What more could you want?

    Jason Beggs / Design to Tailwind

Image performance matters for SEO and user experience.

If left neglected, unoptimized images can have a real impact on your site's ability to reach and serve your audience.

  • When it comes to page performance, every milliscond matters.

    People are shockingly good picking up on slowness, with research even suggesting that, in some cases, even 10ms can be perceived by the human brain. As one of the most expensive assets on your website, images are critical to optimize well, so that latency in viewing a page's content is minimized.

  • Search engines care about your image performance.

    Google uses its Core Web Vital as one of the many factors in determining page rank and overall user experience. Images that perform poorly can threaten these key metrics, including long it takes to load the bulk of your page's content (LCP) and how much shift/jank occurs as it loads (CLS).

Ain't nobody got time for slow, heavy images.

Poorly optimized images are pounding the web, and for most people, it feels like too much of a hassle to fix. Specifically, PicPerf addresses two common issues:

  • Poor cache headers.

    Many images aren't cached long enough, and even if they are, browsers are forced to revalidate them on every request.

    PicPerf makes images locally cacheable for a year and immutable, so they never need to be revalidated. And when they do need to be fetched again, the're available from the best CDN in the world.

    This means your visitors won't have to redownload your images every time they visit your site.

  • Hefty image formats.

    Modern image formats like WebP and AVIF are widely supported by modern browsers, and offer serious savings in file size. But many sites have yet to take advantage.

    PicPerf automatically converts your images to WebP or AVIF (whichever is lighter for the specific image) and only serves it if it's smaller than the original.

    Every visitor will get an extremely light, optimized image ready for the modern web.

Immediate, measurable results.

Performance tooling will take notice right after enabling PicPerf. You'll never have to see Google's PageSpeed Insights tool tell you to serve your images in next-gen formats again, and your vistors will get a faster page experience that won't drain their data plan.

notice to serve images in modern formats
passed - serving images in modern formats
passing Core Web Vitals

Let's put the impact in perspective.

Here's what happens when a large, unoptimized image is run through PicPerf. For illustration purposes, we're simulating the speed you might find on a standard mobile connection. Those with sensitivities to slow websites may want to look away.

  • Before: a sloooooow PNG.

    2.4MB, 14 seconds to load. 😱

    image before picperf
  • After: a fast AVIF!

    233KB, just 1.9 seconds to load. ⚡️

    image after picperf

That's over 90% smaller and 86% faster, just by prefixing the URL. It's an extreme example, but not an uncommon level of impact.

It works just by wrapping the images you're using today.

There's no need to move your images anywhere, and the original versions will never be touched. Tack on the PicPerf domain and you're done. That tiny change makes for a huge difference.

Old URL https://your-site.com/pic.jpg
  • Served from a single location, far from your visitors.
  • Caching sucks, requiring a fresh download for every visit.
  • Images are served in bloated, legacy formats (jpeg, png, etc.).
  • Images are huge, often hundreds of kilobytes in size.
New URL https://picperf.io/https://your-site.com/pic.jpg
  • Served by the best globally distributed CDN out there.
  • Cached like crazy on the visitor's device (and a CDN) for a full year.
  • A lean, modern image format (only when it's actually smaller).
  • A fraction of the size, often ~70% smaller.

Easily keep tabs on your performance impact.

A 30-day snapshot, manual optimization form, and more. The PicPerf admin has just the right tools to help you keep an eye on your site's image performance.

optimization stats
manual optimization tool

Boost SEO with an auto-generated image sitemap.

PicPerf will automatically generate an image sitemap for your site, based on the past 90 days of image requests. Google and other search engines will be able to index the images on your site more quickly and efficiently.

image sitemap

The success stories are rolling in.

  • Laravel News

    Laravel News

    On average, Laravel News saves more than 225KB+ per image with PicPerf, and prevents visitors from downloading over 250GB of data every week.

    visit laravel-news.com →
  • Jane Ross Tutoring

    Jane Ross Tutoring

    Using PicPerf's WordPress plugin, Jane Ross Tutoring's immediately saw a 1.2MB drop in page weight — 78% of the total image weight being loaded on the home page.

    visit janerosstutoring.com →
  • Songwriter City

    Songwriter City

    With PicPerf's WordPress plugin, Songwriter City's image weight dropped by 71%, and its Lighthouse score improved by 16.4%.

    visit songwritercity.com →

Predictable, usage-based pricing.

$5/month for the first 500 unique images optimized & served, and $0.01 per image after that. Request count doesn't matter.

It's perfect for everyone from your mom's handmade doily blog to an agency looking to optimize images on hundreds of sites.

Estimate your monthly cost

Ready for WordPress.

The official PicPerf plugin will make it a breeze make the images on your WordPress sites faster and leaner than ever. Get an account, activate the plugin, and you're done.

Learn More about PicPerf for WordPress

Sign up for a 14-day free trial. No card required.